Jiuding New Materials Holds the First Meeting of 2023 Technical Innovation Project Approval Review

In order to implement the innovation driven development strategy and the action of strengthening enterprises through science and technology, on April 25th, the Jiuding New Materials Technology Center organized the first meeting of the 2023 technical innovation project approval review. All personnel from the technology center, the company's chief engineer, deputy chief engineer, and other engineering and technical personnel participated in the meeting.

After preliminary application and internal evaluation by the Technology Center, the Technology Center plans to establish 15 company level key technological innovation projects. The topics include new product research and development, automation technology research and development, and equipment manufacturing upgrading. At the meeting, key topics were introduced and discussed.

The person in charge of the technical center stated that engineering and technical personnel should have a forward-looking strategic vision, and the starting point of product research and development should be based on research on future market demand and development, in order to determine the direction of product development and develop products that can leverage the advantages of fiberglass reinforcement. He requested that the project leader fully understand the market situation of the product and evaluate its market value; The technical center staff should have more detailed discussions with the project leader and relevant engineering and technical personnel on the content of the project.

At the meeting, a brief introduction was given to departmental level technological innovation topics. In the near future, the Technology Center will organize the second technical innovation project approval review meeting.

Post time: Apr-30-2019