Jiangsu Fiberglass Industry Model Worker (Craftsman) Innovation Studio Work Exchange Meeting Held in Our Company

This report: In order to fully leverage the leading and exemplary role of model worker (craftsman) innovation studios, and further promote their progress towards higher levels, a delegation led by Zhu Yunqing, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Trade Union of Nanjing Fiberglass Institute, and Shi Zhuo, General Manager of Nanjing National Materials Testing Company, recently visited our company to carry out a work exchange activity for model worker (craftsman) innovation studios. Gu Qingbo, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Group, Jiang Yongjian, Chairman of the Trade Union, Liang Zhongquan and Cui Bojun, Technical Chief Engineers, Li Yang, Deputy Chief Engineer, and Jiang Hu, Technical Advisor, participated in this exchange meeting.


At the beginning of the meeting, the union chairman Jiang Yongjian gave a brief introduction to our company's Gu Qingbo Model Worker Innovation Studio. Our company set up a model worker innovation studio in 2009, led by Gu Qingbo, the chairman of the group and the national model worker, and led by the advanced model workers with expertise in the company's production, operation, technology, management and other aspects, to solve the key and difficult problems in the company's work, study and discuss the company's safety production, management system, manufacturing process, technology development and other topics, and play the leading role of model workers, Promoted the transformation, upgrading, and scientific development of enterprises.

Subsequently, the attendees exchanged ideas with each other on the organizational construction, research topics, innovative achievements, team management, talent cultivation practices, and achievements of the Model Worker (Craftsman) Innovation Studio.


Finally, Chairman Gu Qingbo stated that he will continue to actively play the role of model workers and craftsmen as role models, promote the spirit of model workers and craftsmen, take model workers and craftsmen demonstration and leadership as the core, encourage industrial workers to compete for the first place, enhance their sense of honor, vigorously carry out talent cultivation work for model workers and craftsmen, and assist Jiuding Enterprise in high-quality development.

Post time: Jun-02-2023